“Auditory Interactivities is a valuable teaching tool that every instructor of hearing science and psychoacoustics should consider adding to their instructional repertoire. This interactive approach to instruction is particularly effective for topics in psychoacoustics, because it allows students to experience firsthand many auditory perceptual phenomena that could otherwise be accessed only vicariously through descriptions in textbooks and lectures.” Jean C. Krause, Ear and Hearing, February 2005
Auditory Interactivities (AI) consists of a collection of structured interactivities designed to allow users to experience and to study auditory phenomena using Windows-compatible personal computers. AI was designed as a supplementary tool for teaching hearing science, and it is assumed that users have access to appropriate texts and other reference material. The courseware employs a high degree of interactivity in its presentation of topics in signals, acoustics, and psychoacoustics.
AI is appropriate for teaching undergraduate students in Speech and Hearing Science, Audiology, Communication Disorders, and Experimental Psychology. Graduate students in those disciplines, as well as students of biomedical, electrical, and acoustical engineering, will also find the material stimulating and educational. AI can be used either by instructors for classroom demonstrations or by students themselves for direct experimentation.
Within each unit are lessons on specific topics. Many of the lessons allow the student to set up an experiment and collect data. Others present interactive demonstrations. Each lesson is accompanied by a Background section providing an introduction to the topic, and an Instructions section that describes how the interactivity is used.
The development of AI was carried out with support from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
For more information about Auditory Interactivities, click here.