S14 Insert Earphone customers are asked to read, print and sign the S14 Safety Statement which details safety guidelines and best practices for use of the S14, and to email the signed copy to Sensimetrics when you place the order.
May 3, 2023: There is a delay shipping S14 units at this time. The earliest ship date for S14 is May 15th, 2023.
The S14 insert earphones provide high-quality acoustic stimulus delivery while attenuating scanner noise. They are small enough to fit within any head coil, and can be covered with circumaural muffs for added protection if the coil allows. Replaceable Comply(TM) Canal Tips ensure sanitary conditions.
Frequency response equalization is achieved by pre-filtering stored digital stimuli. Equalization filters are provided and can be used either within Matlab or with a stand-alone filtering program (provided). A small power amplifier is required.
To learn more about Model S14 - Insert Earphones for fMRI Research, please click here.